Monday, February 3, 2025

치료하는 광선 Healing Rays of the Sun

치료하는 광선 Healing Rays of the Sun
손자가 다섯 살 때 갑자기 배 아래 방광부분이 부어올라 미국에서 제일 유명하다는 필라델피아 아동병원에서 멀지 않게 살고 있었기에 가서 진단하니 안에 큰 혹이 생겼는데 무엇인지 알지 못하여 조직검사를 하고 암인 것을 발견하였다.너무 급성이라 시간이 다르게 자라고 있으나 어디에서 시작되었는지도 찾지 못하고 일단 방사선 치료를 시작하였다. 일년 가까운 44주를 치료하는 동안 머리와 함께 체력이 모두 빠지고 아이가 탈진상태에 들어갔다. 가족 남자는 모두 그와 같음을 보이고 격려하고자 머리를 밀었다. 혹은 점점 줄어들어 방사선 치료가 끝날 즈음은 일 인치 정도의 크기가 되어 수술을 하고 그 후 13년간 건강하게 지나며 지금은 대학원서를 보내고 있 어 감사하다. 방사선의 강한 빛이 암을 깨뜨리고 몸에 건강을 허락하였다.
구약성경 마지막 말라기는 마지막 때에 관하여 의로운 해가 떠 올라서 치료하는 광선을 발하리니 너희가 나가서 외양간에서 나온 송아지같이 뛰리라 한다. 아침마다 오르는 태양이 의로운 해라 한다. 미국을 비치는 해는 한국에도 아프리카에도 비친다. 주를 섬기며 바르게 사는 성도들에게도 비치고 주를 모르고 자기 중심으로 살며 악을 도모하는 자에게도 비친다. 농사하는 자에게도 학문하며 연구하는 자에게도 비친다. 해가 올라오지 않는다면 어떨까? 알라스카는 여름이면 백야라 불리듯이 어둔 밤이 거의 없다. 방문 중 7월4일 독립기념일 폭죽놀이른 구경하는데 밤 11시반에 시작하나 어둡지 않아 폭죽 터지는 소리가 나고 연기는 보이나 불꽃은 보이지 않았다. 그들은 5시에 퇴근하여 저녁을 먹고 낚시를 나간다.  밤을 낮으로 살고 있었다. 그러나 겨울이 오면 해를 보기 어려울 정도라 그들은 침울하고 많은 사람은 술을 의지하다가 중독이 되기도 한다.
의로운 해는 치료하는 광선을 발한다.햇빛을 잘 받으면 멜라토닌 호르몬이 생성되어 잠을 잘 자게 되고 많은 병 가운데 유방암을 위시하여 여러 암, 당뇨, 신부전증,  건선, 아토피, 알자이머, 파킨슨, 골다공증, 임신중독, 자가면역증 등이 예방 또는 치료된다고 한다.  아내는 골다공증으로 손목 발목을 세번이나 골절하는 사고를 겪었지만 적도 가까운 에티오피아에서 2년반을 살며 햇빛 아래서 사역하다가 돌아와 조사를 하니 골밀도가 아주 좋아져 약을 더 이상 먹을 필요가 없었다. 병에서 고침을 받으면 얼마나 기쁜가? 송아지가 외양간에서 나와 뛰는 것에 비교할 수 있을까! 
치유하는 광선은 아무나 아니라 하나님을 경외하는 자에게 나타난다고 한다. 의로운 태양이기에 하나님을 외면하고 악을 행하는 자에게는 용광로의 불이 되어 그들을 지푸라기처럼 살라버린다고 한다. 해가 비치어 땅을 사막으로 만들고 생명이 살 수 없게  하고 사람이 잘못 받으면 피부만 아니라 죽을 병을 일으키기도 한다. 
의로운 해는 하나님으로서 사람이 되어 세상의 빛으로 오신 예수 그리스도이시다. 그는 믿는 자에게 치료와 생명이시지만 믿지 않는 자에게는 심판과 죽음이다. 나는 젊은 시절  약이 없는 죽을 병에 시달리다가 하나님의 말씀과 주 예수의 은혜의 치료하는 광선으로 고침 받아 지금까지 살고 있는 것이 감사요 증거다. 
새해를 맞아 밝게 올라오는 아침해와 함께 새로운 결단을 하면서 의로운 해의 치료하는 광선을 받아 치유와 기쁨, 평안과 감사의 풍성한 생명을 모두가 누리기를 바란다. 

Healing Rays of the Sun

When my grandson was five years old, his lower abdomen around the bladder area suddenly became swollen. Living not far from the renowned Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we sought a diagnosis there. The doctors found a large tumor inside but couldn’t identify what it was until a biopsy revealed it was cancer. It was so aggressive that it grew rapidly, and they couldn’t determine where it originated. They immediately began radiation therapy.

Over the course of nearly a year—44 weeks of treatment—my grandson’s hair fell out, and his physical strength was depleted, leaving him utterly exhausted. To show support and encouragement, all the men in the family shaved their heads. Gradually, the tumor shrank, and by the end of radiation therapy, it had reduced to about an inch in size, enabling surgery. He recovered and has lived healthily for 13 years since, and now, he is applying to graduate schools, for which we are deeply grateful. The powerful rays of radiation destroyed the cancer and allowed health to return to his body.

The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, speaks of the end times, proclaiming that the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing rays, and you shall go out leaping like calves released from the stall. The rising sun each morning is likened to this Sun of Righteousness. The same sun that shines on America also shines on Korea and Africa. It shines on those who serve the Lord and live righteously, as well as on those who do not know Him, live self-centered lives, and plan evil. It shines on farmers and on scholars who engage in research.

But what if the sun didn’t rise? In Alaska, summers are called the “midnight sun” because there is almost no night. While visiting there, I watched the Fourth of July fireworks, which began at 11:30 p.m., but because it wasn’t dark, only the sound and smoke of the fireworks were visible, not the sparks. People there finish work at 5 p.m., have dinner, and then go fishing—living their nights as if they were day. However, in winter, the absence of sunlight causes many to feel gloomy, and some turn to alcohol, leading to addiction.

The Sun of Righteousness radiates healing rays. Sunlight promotes the production of melatonin, helping us sleep better, and is known to prevent or treat various illnesses such as breast cancer, other cancers, diabetes, kidney disease, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, osteoporosis, preeclampsia, and autoimmune disorders. My wife, who suffered from osteoporosis and had fractured her wrist and ankle three times, lived for two and a half years in Ethiopia, near the equator, serving under the sunlight. Upon returning and undergoing medical examination, her bone density had improved so significantly that she no longer needed medication. How great is the joy of being healed from disease! Could it be compared to calves leaping out of a barn?

However, the healing rays are not for everyone but for those who fear the Lord. The Sun of Righteousness will be a consuming fire for those who ignore God and do evil, burning them like straw in a furnace. While the sun gives life to the earth, it can also turn it into a desert, uninhabitable for life. Misusing sunlight can cause deadly diseases, not just skin problems.

The Sun of Righteousness is God Himself, who became man and came as the light of the world—Jesus Christ. For those who believe, He brings healing and life, but for those who do not, He brings judgment and death. In my youth, I suffered from a fatal illness with no cure, but through God’s Word and the healing rays of grace from Jesus, I was healed and have lived until today, for which I am grateful.

As we welcome the new year, let us make new resolutions with the bright morning sun, receiving the healing rays of the Sun of Righteousness. May everyone experience healing, joy, peace, and the abundant life that comes with gratitude. Healing Rays of the Sun

When my grandson was five years old, his lower abdomen around the bladder area suddenly became swollen. Living not far from the renowned Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we sought a diagnosis there. The doctors found a large tumor inside but couldn’t identify what it was until a biopsy revealed it was cancer. It was so aggressive that it grew rapidly, and they couldn’t determine where it originated. They immediately began radiation therapy.

Over the course of nearly a year—44 weeks of treatment—my grandson’s hair fell out, and his physical strength was depleted, leaving him utterly exhausted. To show support and encouragement, all the men in the family shaved their heads. Gradually, the tumor shrank, and by the end of radiation therapy, it had reduced to about an inch in size, enabling surgery. He recovered and has lived healthily for 13 years since, and now, he is applying to graduate schools, for which we are deeply grateful. The powerful rays of radiation destroyed the cancer and allowed health to return to his body.

The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, speaks of the end times, proclaiming that the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing rays, and you shall go out leaping like calves released from the stall. The rising sun each morning is likened to this Sun of Righteousness. The same sun that shines on America also shines on Korea and Africa. It shines on those who serve the Lord and live righteously, as well as on those who do not know Him, live self-centered lives, and plan evil. It shines on farmers and on scholars who engage in research.

But what if the sun didn’t rise? In Alaska, summers are called the “midnight sun” because there is almost no night. While visiting there, I watched the Fourth of July fireworks, which began at 11:30 p.m., but because it wasn’t dark, only the sound and smoke of the fireworks were visible, not the sparks. People there finish work at 5 p.m., have dinner, and then go fishing—living their nights as if they were day. However, in winter, the absence of sunlight causes many to feel gloomy, and some turn to alcohol, leading to addiction.

The Sun of Righteousness radiates healing rays. Sunlight promotes the production of melatonin, helping us sleep better, and is known to prevent or treat various illnesses such as breast cancer, other cancers, diabetes, kidney disease, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, osteoporosis, preeclampsia, and autoimmune disorders. My wife, who suffered from osteoporosis and had fractured her wrist and ankle three times, lived for two and a half years in Ethiopia, near the equator, serving under the sunlight. Upon returning and undergoing medical examination, her bone density had improved so significantly that she no longer needed medication. How great is the joy of being healed from disease! Could it be compared to calves leaping out of a barn?

However, the healing rays are not for everyone but for those who fear the Lord. The Sun of Righteousness will be a consuming fire for those who ignore God and do evil, burning them like straw in a furnace. While the sun gives life to the earth, it can also turn it into a desert, uninhabitable for life. Misusing sunlight can cause deadly diseases, not just skin problems.

The Sun of Righteousness is God Himself, who became man and came as the light of the world—Jesus Christ. For those who believe, He brings healing and life, but for those who do not, He brings judgment and death. In my youth, I suffered from a fatal illness with no cure, but through God’s Word and the healing rays of grace from Jesus, I was healed and have lived until today, for which I am grateful.

As we welcome the new year, let us make new resolutions with the bright morning sun, receiving the healing rays of the Sun of Righteousness. May everyone experience healing, joy, peace, and the abundant life that comes with gratitude.

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